Give Them an Argument: Logic for the Left

Ben Burgis


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Ben Burgis understands that in order to persuade people to join a political movement, you have to master the techniques of rigorous argumentation. He masterfully exposes the cheap sophistry of right-wing 'philosophy' and shows why there's still a place for logic and reason in political discourse. This is a crucial handbook for those who want to 'crush' and 'destroy' the Ben Shapiros of the world.' Nathan Robinson, Editor, Current AffairsMany serious leftists have learned to distrust talk of logic and logical fallacies, associated with right-wing logicbros. This is a serious mistake. Unlike the neoliberal technocrats, who can point to social problems and tell people trust us, the serious Left must learn how to argue and persuade. In Give Them an Argument, Ben Burgis arms his reader with the essential knowledge of formal logic and informal fallacies.

ISBN 9781789042108
List price $16.95
Publisher Zero Books
Year of publication 2019