
Interference Archive



In just over 100 full-color pages, this volume examines how communities have responded to the violence of white supremacy and carceral systems in the United States. Included in the text are materials from the Black Panther Party for Self-Defense and the Young Lords in the 1960s and 70s, CopWatch and the Stolen Lives Project in the 1980s and 1990s, and contemporary material from the Movement for Black Lives, Project NIA, and INCITE!. The struggle to defund and demilitarize the police and refund our communities is as urgent as ever, and this publication shows how the modern Defund movement builds on past Black feminist and abolitionist movements and imagines alternatives to policing for community safety.

In addition to full-color reproduction of archival materials, this narrative includes excerpts from interviews with activists, scholars and artists Mariame Kaba, Dread Scott, Dennis Flores, Dr. Joshua Myers, and Jawanza Williams.

List price $15.00
Publisher Interference Archive
Year of publication