Ecowomanism: African American Women and Earth-Honoring Faiths

Melanie L. Harris


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Scholarship on African American history and culture has often neglected the tra­dition of African American women who engage in theological and religious reflection on their ethical and moral responsibility to care for the earth. Melanie Harris argues that African American women make distinctive contributions to the environmental justice movement in the ways that they theologize, theorize, practice spiritual activism, and come into religious understandings about our re­lationship with the earth. Incorporating ele­ments of her family history to set the stage for her argument, Harris intersperses her academic reflections with her own personal stories and anecdotes.

This unique text stands at the intersection of several academic disciplines: womanist theol­ogy, eco-theology, spirituality, and theological aesthetics.

ISBN 9781626982017
List price $31.00
Publisher orbis books
Year of publication 2017